1. Seth Roberts on healthcare stagnation. Life expectancy dropped by 0.1 years in the US from 2007 to 2008, and no one seems to care. This is less of a statistical fluke than people would like to think and therefore it is more important. This is especially important because demographic trends mean that healthcare spending is going to increase regardless of the spending's actual impact. HT: MR
2. An interesting perspective on Greece's economy. The discrepancy where civil workers are paid much more than private sector workers is very damaging to an economy in the long run. HT: Fistful of Euros.
3. The jobs picture is unlikely to return to the previous peak if the current expansion is the average 59 months. This isn't even accounting for the increasing population. The employment to population ratio is not quite returning to the levels it was at before women entered the workforce en masse, but it is getting close.
4. Perhaps just as important: Using the right bike seat. I've been told that being able to grip the seat with the thighs while going down bumpy hills is important, but the potential side effects of the normal bike seat are a large price to pay.